History The predecessor of the Institute was the Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical Technologies at the Technical University in Kosice, established in 1955. In 1970 it was incorporated into the Slovak Academy of Sciences as the Institute of Experimental Metallurgy. The scientific research conducted at the Institute at that time was in the fields of powder metallurgy and in the development of the rolled low-alloyed steels. The Institute has grown gradually and is oriented towards the research and development of advanced materials. So in 1992, to reflect these development, its name was changed to the Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IMR SAS or IMR). Now the IMR is one of the leading research institutes in Slovakia with a good international cooperation. |
IMR SAS - Watsonova 47 - 040 01 Košice - Slovakia | Tel.: +421-55-7922 402 | Fax: +421-55-7922 408 | E-mail: [email protected] |