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Seminar - 2016-03-24 | News | imrsav.sk

The scientific seminar

On 24th March, 2016 at 11,00 a.m. the scientific seminar will be held in the room no. 101in the IMR SAS,  Watsonova 47, Košice

Ing. Lucia Čiripová, PhD.:

"Modelovanie fázových diagramov ternárnych systémov s bórom"


RNDr. Peter Ševc, PhD.:

"Prejavy pôsobenia vodíka v oceliach pre energetický priemysel"

The participation of the all academic staff is obligatory!

Date:24th march 2016.
Place:The room no. 101

IMR SAS - Watsonova 47 - 040 01 Košice - Slovakia | Tel.: +421-55-7922 402 | Fax: +421-55-7922 408 | E-mail: [email protected]